Haley Raizes

A blogfolio to share all things that make me smile, including running many miles

Team Progress Tracker

An app for coaches to track performance and keep the team up to date with upcoming events and announcements

I have worked as a Cross Country and Track coach at Harper Middle School in Davis for the past two years. My ability to maintain a healthy sleep schedule, particpate in extracurriculars, and keep up with my school work became challenging during my first season of coaching. I found that I was often emailing parents, sending out race logistics, and planning workouts in the middle of my math homework. As a means to free myself from some of the logistical burdens of being a coach, I created an app using appsheet to design a central hub for the team.

Inside the app, parents can find a link to a google form to nodify me of athlete absenses. They can find practice times, race locations, and workout plans for the week. Additionally, each athlete has their own portfolio to track their improvement throughout the season and create personal goals. You can test and view the real version of the application here.