Haley Raizes

A blogfolio to share all things that make me smile, including running many miles

How Ridgeline Helped Me Step Off the Hamster Wheel

04 September 2020

Every morning, I used to ask myself the same question: How can I spend my time today so that I will be rewarded for it in the future? By the end of my junior year, I began to wonder, will I live my whole life spending time as though it were infinite? I feared the inevitability of never enjoying a day without a buzzing ultimatum.

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What Even is Cognitive Science?

13 January 2020

In a world that favors depth over breath, choosing where to start digging is daunting. Countless roadmaps exist for those embarking to become specialists. The map for Cognitive Science, however, is far less straightforward. The field is defined as “the study of thought, learning, and mental organization, which draws on aspects of psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and computer modeling”.

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A Thousand Miles Laters

01 January 2020

Being human inherently tasks us with the question of how to best spend our time. This is essentially a re-wording of “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, but rather than making this question about you and what, I am more interested in discussing it in the context of us and how.

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